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Schedule Your Free Discovery Call

Where we discover if working together empowers you

You can schedule your free Discovery Call below, at a day and time that is best for you.
If none of the open slots are available to you, please message me in the 'General Inquiries' section at the bottom of this page. I will reach out so we can find a day/time that suits your needs. 


Once you schedule, you’ll have access to the discussion topics and expectations for our initial call. 

Free Discovery Call

Where we talk through your coaching options, and discover if we are a good fit

Check out our availability and book the date and time that works for you


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Confirmed, thank you. I’m sincerely grateful to have you here. On our Discovery Call, you can expect a no-pressure (<60 min) conversation including the following prompts: ​​ What would you like to achieve or what challenge would you like resolved? How is your mind sabotaging you here? Take this Saboteur Assessment and explore with me in our Discovery Call. Together we will reveal how uncovering the lies of your Saboteurs and anchoring into your Sage wisdom will benefit every area of your life. I’m looking forward to meeting you!

Curious about beginning your inner-empowerment journey?
Let’s begin with a Free Discovery Call.

© 2023

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